05/2021 -
Research Scientist
Institute of Automation IAT & Center for Life Science Automation CELISCA - University Rostock
11/2020 - 05/2021
Research Associate
Center for Life Science Automation CELISCA - University Rostock
05/2019 - 05/2020
Research Assistant (student)
Fraunhofer IGP Rostock
02/2019 - 04/2019
Research Development Intern (student)
Lufthansa Technik Hamburg
2018 - 2020
Master of Science ( M. Sc. )
Industrial Engineering (with specialization in Electrical Engineering)
University Rostock
Electrical Engineering ( Study abraod )
University of Limerick
2015 - 2018
Bachelor of Science ( B. Sc. )
Industrial Engineering (with specialization in Electrical Engineering)
University Rostock
2017 - 2018
Chief Information Officer (IT-Vorstand)
VWI Hochschulgruppe Rostock
Friedrich - Barnewitz - Str. 8 18119 Rostock
18119 Rostock
Tel.: +49 (381) 498-7823
Fax: +49 (381) 498-7802
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